How To Increase Penis Size Faster & Naturally in 2023

Today, most men have a fear that they have a smaller penis that lowers down their confidence. This fear is making them search for how to increase penis size naturally. With the fact that the average penis size in males all around the world is 4–6 inches and 90% of men range have this average penile size. Still, most of us are unsatisfied with our average size and search for a ways to increase penis size and manhood. Therefore, here in this article, we are going to explore top 5 ways to increase penis size naturally.

How To Increase Penis Size – Top 5 Methods

Surgery To Increase Penis Size

It is a medical and surgical procedure to increase your penile girth and length. Penis enlargement surgery is divided into two parts, first part involves increasing the length and second step involves increasing the girth. The first part of surgery is conducted by cutting the suspensory ligament.

This ligament fixes your penis to the pubic bone. Cutting it apart from pubic bone increases the penis size instant. Whereas the second part is conducted by injecting fat cells that increase the girth of the penis. But risk factors associated with this procedure cannot be ignored. A minor mistake in surgery might give you lifetime impotency.

Food & Herbs To Increase Penis Size

Most people think that it is impossible to increase penile size with just eating healthy foods. I know it seems impossible, but actually it is a fact that you can increase your penis size with healthy diet. There are various foods and herbs available in the supermarket that are known as natural male enhancers.

These foods are rich in essential male hormone boosting nutrients that increase the blood circulation in the penile area. With increased blood circulation, the cells are rejuvenated with oxygen and start developing and regenerating. This process helps in increasing your penis size naturally. Find out complete list of foods for penis enlargement.

Exercises To Increase Penis Size

It is well known that exercises and workout helps in building muscles. But do you know that exercises can also help in building your penis muscles? Yes, there are some specific exercises that are specially designed to increase your penis size and girth. Exercises like kegel and jelqing are very popular all around the world for their penile increasing benefits.

These exercises are performed by stretching your penis and releasing it slowing without exerting pressure. This process of stretching and releasing helps in increasing the blood circulation in penile area. Now, as increased blood circulation works in diet, similarly it works with exercises to give a boost to your penis size. Find out list of penis enlargement exercises.

Extenders To Increase Penis Size

High demand for penis enlargement has actually fueled the male enhancement market. Manufacturers found that people are understanding the risk factors with surgery and don’t want to invest enough time in preparing diets and exercises. Therefore, they are regularly introducing male enhancement products in the market and penis extender devices are one of them.

These extender devices work on the basic stretching method of penis enlargement but in automated and perfect way. Proexteder is one of the most popular penis enlargement device in the market that has received a lot of acclaims and positive feedback from the users. You can read our review on Proxtender device to learn more about it.

Pills & Supplements To Increase Penis Size

As mentioned above, the market is flooded with male enhancement products, most people don’t like using extender devices as they feel uncomfortable in wearing it. Therefore, for men like these, manufacturers have introduced pills and supplements to increase penis size. There are some prominent names like Volume Pills, Extenze and Virility Ex that are officially claimed to help in increasing penis size.

These supplements are formulated with purely natural ingredients that are proven to be beneficial in improving male sexual health. Being a natural supplement, these supplements do not possess any size effects. As per me, Virility Ex and Volume Pills are two best supplements that you can recommend. Read our reviews on Virility Ex and Volume Pills here.

Natural Ways To Increase Penis Size – The Questions

Does Testosterone Increase Penis Size?

Testosterone is the main hormone that define masculinity in males. With healthy level of testosterone in the body, you will be able to build muscles, grow healthy hairs, get strong bones, high endurance and stamina and better sexual health.

When this healthy testosterone level is affected due to extra production of estrogen, a female hormone, you lack these male features. Even most male enhancement supplements include ingredients to boost your T-Levels. Therefore, yes, a healthy testosterone level is important to boost your sexual health and penile size.

Do Penis Pump Increases Size?

Most of us consider penis pump and penis extender as same product. But both are completely different. Where extenders work on traditional and effective stretching method, pumps are a new device that work on suction method. Though it is found that penis pumps can bring significant change in penis size, there are also lots of complaints reported regarding it. Many users reported that using penis pump has affected their penis curve and erection.

Does Losing Weight Helps In Penis Size Increase?

Well, it is a talked a lot on various forums about the effect of weight loss on penis size. Some claims that losing weight has actually helped them to increase in size and girth. But there are no medical research or accreditation to support this claim. Although, it is medically proven that losing weight has good effect on enhancing the sexual health, but nothing has been claimed about increase in penis size.

how to increase your penis size


About Brian Kramer

I am Brian Kramer and I started this website way back in 2015. My personal self-improvement journey motivated me to start this website and help out men like me. is a vital resource for men through our unbiased advice, tips, and in-depth articles. We also review male enhancement products getting popular in the market by exploring their both good and bad sides. To be honest, we don't recommend any product until we found it truly legit and beneficial for our readers.

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